289 Monroe Avenue

Rochester, NY 14607

289 Recovery/BILL & BOBS

289 Recovery offers a unique opportunity in the battle against alcoholism and other forms of addiction. Bill & Bobs (289 Recovery) serves approximately 1,000 individuals per month who rely on our facility to help them in their own personal recovery, as well as to help combat the epidemic alcohol and drug crisis that faces the City of Rochester, all of Monroe County and the surrounding areas. Please help us to help them become productive citizens of our community once again! All money raised will be used to purchase books and literature which are essential in helping people understand the program of recovery. Our experience has proven that individuals who do not have access to the type of support we offer (meetings, fellowship, sponsorship, and books) are often unable to achieve and maintain long-term recovery. Sadly, they usually end up back in active addiction to alcohol and/or drugs. That's why our mission is so critical. WE OFFER HOPE — WE SAVE LIVES.

We focus on: Human Services, Education

Where we are: Monroe

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