A Magical Journey Thru Stages involves diverse youth, ages 5-18, in fun, high-quality theatre programs, fostering self-confidence, personal growth, and learning. Annually, over 800 students from Greater Rochester perform in plays/musicals for nearly 8,000 audience members. Our dedicated staff, professional artistic teams and volunteers offer a supportive, encouraging environment for kids to explore their creative talents through a full year of opportunities that include: 7 full theatre productions, summer camps, improv troupe, technical theatre training, open mic nights, specialized workshops, and tuition assistance for economically disadvantaged youth.
Centrally located in the Auditorium Center, STAGES programs serve students from all over Monroe Country and many neighboring counties.
Funds are needed to upgrade technical equipment, to repair and replace worn facilities, to upgrade the website, to enhance marketing efforts, to underwrite production costs and to expand the success of the current programs.
We focus on: Arts and Culture, Education
Where we are: Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Wayne
We have a matching grant!
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