Chances and Changes, Inc.

Chances and Chances, Inc. has been providing both shelter (residential) and non-residential services to victims of domestic/family violence in all its forms for over 30 years. We serve Livingston County (and surrounding counties as needed). We are a licensed program with certification from the NYS Office of Children and Family Services. in 2008 we expanded our services to assist with issues of Homelessness in our communities. This was a "natural" progression as many homeless individuals are homeless due to issues of domestic/family violence (among other things). Our mission is to empower individuals impacted by Domestic/Family Violence and/or Homelessness to enable life changes leading to freedom from abuse and greater self-sufficiency. Chances and Changes, Inc. provides a comprehensive continuum of services 24/7 to both residential and non-residnetial clients. These services include but are not liomited to: 24/7 Hotline Services; 24/7 Shelter Services; Crisis Counseling and Interventions; Individual Counseling; Safety Planning; Court Advocacy; Systems Advocacy and Referrals - Medical, Dental, Housing, Education, Employment, etc.; Support Groups; Community Preventions - Outreach and Education programs; School Presentations - Bullying, Healthy Relationships, Dating Violence, Conflict Resolution, Media Literacy, etc.; Information and Education - Intimate Partner Abuse (Domestic Violence), Child Abuse, Anilmal Abuse, Family Violance, Parenting, Homelessness Issues, etc.; Follow-up - Support Services Services after exiting shelter and for non-residential clients; Supportive Housing Services; etc. We continue to evolve and grow to best meet the needs of the people in the communities we serve. There is no aspect of our society that is not impacted negatively by the multitude of "problems" created by this pervasive isssue we call domestic violence or, more appropriately termed, intimate partner abuse.

We focus on: Human Services, Health

Where we are: Livingston

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