1 South Washington St.
Suite 120
Rochester, NY 14614

Children's Agenda, The

The Children’s Agenda advocates for effective policies and drives evidence-based solutions for the health, education and success of children. We are especially committed to children who are vulnerable because of poverty, racism, health disparities and trauma. Advocacy - We keep kids at the top of the local, state, and federal agenda. Your support strengthens advocacy for smart, evidenced-based approaches and systemic changes that affect kids. Research - We research the next great idea for kids and help bring it here. Your support ensures a brighter future and makes Greater Rochester an even better place to grow up and raise a family. Community Mobilization - We foster partnerships that effectively improve outcomes for kids. Your support makes collaboration in our community possible so that issues are addressed throughout a child's development.

We focus on: Education, Health

Where we are: Monroe

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