597 East Ave.

Rochester, NY 14607

DASA Preschool

The Discovery Academy of Science and Art (DASA) Preschool is a newly incorporated nonprofit entity that previously operated successfully for over 45 years as the Rochester Museum and Science Center (RMSC) Preschool. In January 2022, RMSC informed us that the education of Preschool children no longer fit their mission and they closed our program in June of 2022. Our Preschool community was devastated and rallied to save our school. We have spent the last year reorganizing, fundraising, and relocating to a new space within the Rochester ‘Museum Corridor’ which is in the heart of the community that the preschool serves. We proudly opened our doors to students this September 2023. Our program is half day and serves children ages 2-5 from the Rochester area with a focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) which introduces children to different ways of exploring the natural world. Our new and innovative Preschool offers students the opportunity to regularly visit the RMSC and the Memorial Art Gallery (MAG). We are seeking a grant to help us with start-up funds for our first three years of operation. This assistance will allow us to grow our student population back to capacity and ensure our sustainability.

We focus on: Arts and Culture, Education

Where we are: Monroe

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