The Eastman Community Music School, as a division of the Eastman School of Music at the University of Rochester, offers applied classical and jazz lessons (all instruments and voice), a full array of music theory, composition, history, and music technology courses, as well as ensembles of all sizes from intimate chamber groups to large bands and orchestras. ECMS currently serves over 1600 students during the school year and another 250 students during our Summer Session. Our students range from under one year to over ninety years of age and come to us from the greater Rochester community as well as from all over Western NY. During Summer Session, our students come from across the United States and around the globe. Students arrive with a wide range of backgrounds and interests: they are current and future performers, theorists, composers, professional musicians, and music educators seeking enrichment at all stages of life. Many pursue substantial programs of study leading to one of several ECMS diplomas. The Eastman Community Music School is fortunate to be able to offer both merit and need based scholarships to many of its students. The school has named scholarships, which are targeted to specific areas of study, as well as a general scholarship funds open to all students. ECMS is also very proud of our Pathways Scholarship program. Pathways is a collaborative program with the Rochester City School District which enables approximately 70 students to attend Eastman for applied and classroom studies at reduced tuition rates. With help from the community we can offer top quality music education to even more students of all ages in Rochester and beyond beyond both in person and online through our new Eastman Community Music School World Campus program.
We focus on: Education, Arts and Culture
Where we are: Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Orleans, Seneca, Wayne, Wyoming, Yates
We have a matching grant!
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