700 West Metro Park

Rochester, NY 14623

Genesee RiverWatch

Mission: To champion solutions that improve the water quality of the Genesee and initiatives that connect people to the River. Vision: A healthy and sustainable Genesee River ecosystem that is an environmental, recreational and economic asset for all generations. Founded in 1974 as the Center for Environmental Information, we concentrated our focus on the Genesee River in 2014. Today, we improve water quality by executing large streambank stabilization and farmland preservation projects in the upper watershed. At the same time, we work to improve river access and recreational opportunities for everyone through such work as our partnership with the City of Rochester in developing and building the new ADA-compliant canoe and kayak dock at Petten Street. Through our educational initiative, we have fostered the Aquatic Education Network of teachers and community groups interested in using the river as an asset to teach K-12 students biology, ecology, history and other core subjects. As a result of this work, we seek to raise the Genesee River from an under-appreciated and seldom-used resource to an important part of the cultural and economic attraction of our region.

We focus on: The Environment, Community Benefit and Economic Development

Where we are: Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Orleans, Seneca, Wyoming

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