Genesee Valley Council on the Arts (GVCA) is dedicated to enriching the quality of life throughout our region by encouraging and promoting arts and culture. Bertha Lederer founded GVCA in 1968 with the desire to bring the arts to a rural area, where the availability of arts and cultural programs had been limited. Incorporated in 1971, GVCA has been successfully serving the region for over 50 years. In 2008, they became the caretakers of over 220 paintings created by artists employed by Works Progress Administration (WPA) under Roosevelt's New Deal. Originally hung for patients in the former tuberculosis sanatorium, these works were later gathered together to form the current collection on rotational display in their New Deal Gallery and accessible to the public at no cost. In addition to the New Deal Gallery, GVCA has three additional exhibition space available to artists across the region. Annual events includes the Artful Holiday vendor sale, Genesee Valley Scholastic Art Competition, Member's Exhibit, and additional seasonal programming. Classes to the public are announced in each season and include a wide range of artistic expressions. As the Statewide Community Regrant location for Livingston and Monroe County, GVCA works to execute grants for community, education, and individual projects. They also serve the greater region with the GLOW Traditions program in Folk Arts, and Creative Artists Migrant Program Services (C.A.M.P.S.).
We focus on: Arts and Culture, Community Benefit and Economic Development
Where we are: Livingston, Monroe
We have a matching grant!
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