100 McAuley Dr.
# 2000
Rochester, NY 14610

Greater Rochester Area Partnership for the Elderly (GRAPE)

The Greater Rochester Area Partnership for the Elderly (GRAPE) is a professional membership organization for those who work with and for older adults. GRAPE's membership of 300 represents over 200 businesses, organizations and agencies in the Greater Rochester area. GRAPE provides education and networking to its members, as well as advocates for issues that affect our seniors. GRAPE also produces The ElderPages Directory, a free, comprehensive list of services in the Greater Rochester area. The directory is located online at theelderpages.com and printed copies are available as funding allows. This is a valuable resource for hospital social workers, case managers, caregivers, family members and older adults in the community. GRAPE also has an initiative called Holiday Gifts for Seniors, which provides a gift bag of necessities to seniors most in need in our community. GRAPE is participating in ROC the Day to help secure funds for The ElderPages Directory and Holiday Gifts for Seniors.

We focus on: Human Services, Health

Where we are: Monroe

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