Persons and families in need of food are asked to call 585-683-9674 (24 hours per day). Calls are returned from 9 AM to 3 PM Monday through Friday. Those in need of clothing may call 585-397-2192. Volunteers verify each request and make arrangements for those in need to receive food and clothing. Clients are encouraged to come to the Food Shelf and Clothing Closet to select their items. Food deliveries are arranged for those who are house-bound or lack transportation.
Since 1977 when the need for emergency food was first recognized by several churches in Greece, the Food Shelf has outgrown four locations. Now based at 500 Maiden Lane, more than 120 volunteers provided food to 3,129 households (8,615 people) in 2022-23. In addition 986 households received clothing.
The Food Shelf provides on-going assistance to a small group of recipients with disabilities whose benefits are not adequate to meet their needs. A group of volunteers delivers food to these clients on the third Thursday of each month.
Thanksgiving Program:
The holiday season can be a time of special need. GEFS&CC matches donors with families in need in Greece and Charlotte.
We focus on: Human Services
Where we are: Monroe
We have a matching grant!
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