Hilton Education Foundation

The Hilton Education Foundation, founded July 2006, is a charitable, not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting quality education programs for every student in the Hilton School District.The Hilton Education Foundation funds are used to support projects and activities within the Hilton Central Schools. These opportunities are geared toward helping the students become self-directed, lifelong learners who think critically and creatively and function as caring, responsible, and productive members of society. Among the initiatives are: scholarships ; mini-grants to support innovative classroom projects;working with the Cadet Cupboard to provide children in need with essential, nutritious food that they can subtly take home and safely prepare on their own; and recognition of staff members through an Employee Recognition program. The Foundation is led by a volunteer Board of Directors whose members are drawn from all segments of the community. The time and energy these individuals devote to the Foundation is rooted in a deep pride and abiding commitment to Hilton students.The Foundation relies entirely on donations to carry out its endeavors.

We focus on: Education

Where we are: Monroe

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