Holy Cross School as a Catholic school of the Diocese of Rochester offers families a Catholic education rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.
Our school:
Leads students to be disciples who know and live the Catholic faith;
Inspires a learning community to foster academic excellence; and
Motivates young people to fulfill the two great commandments of Jesus Christ by loving God and self in order to be responsible and give service to our neighbor.
Belief Statements
We believe that:
• Jesus Christ is the foundation of our Catholic school community and the center of everything that we do.
• Each child is welcomed in our faith community and makes a positive contribution to the Church and society.
• Catholic schools carry out the educational mission of the Roman Catholic Church and are an integral part of our parishes.
• Catholic schools are instrumental in building communities of faith, hope, and love.
• Parents and guardians are an essential element of the school community and we recognize the rights of parents as the primary educators of their children.
We believe that:
• Each person is a unique being in the image and likeness of God and therefore deserves respect and dignity.
• Respect and dignity begin with self in the context of family and extend to others in the community.
• Students should develop leadership skills that enable them to be active Christians and responsible citizens.
• Our community appreciates the unity and diversity which comprise the human family.
• All of God’s creation should be acknowledged as God’s gift and deserves admiration through our good stewardship.
We believe that:
• Children learn in a variety of ways, according to their individual needs, with high academic expectations and support.
• All children have the right to learn in a safe, secure, and stimulating environment.
• Learning is enhanced through meaningful partnerships between the Church, home, and school.
We believe that:
• Life-long faith formation in the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church creates and supports a compassionate, service-oriented community.
• Respect for self, our school family and the diverse community in which we live inspires students to serve.
• Service to the community is rooted in our love for God and motivates us to love one another.
We focus on: Education
Where we are: Monroe
We have a matching grant!
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