Homesteads for Hope was founded in 2013 by a Mother & Daughter team raising a young adult with autism who had no services after the school bus stopped coming. Desperation lead to HOPE after a life changing visit to a family Farm. A simple google search of "Farms for Autism" led the founders to replicate a national model of "Intentional Communities" with a sustainable agritourism campus to inclusively learn, work, live and grow for people with disabilities. In 2016, like minded families gathered to purchase a 55 acre Farm in Spencerport, NY only 10 minutes from Downtown Rochester to build the first community of its kind in Western, NY.
Today, Homesteads for Hope Community Farm serves 600 families by "growing purpose and cultivating inclusion" offering social memberships, educational and vocational programs, community classes, public and private events for the entire community to embrace peoples unique abilities. Our mission based programs Ready Set! allows young adults to grow their unique abilities, learn in natures classroom, practice authentic work based opportunities which has successfully lead to equal employment at the Farm and beyond. Our family focused approach organically supports the entire family, offering a place to belong full of dignity. We are "Hometown Proud" and are continuously developing a Westside Agritourism Venue to become a collaborative and self sustaining organization.
We need your support to "Pave the Way" and finish the first 25 acres of program / service development so we can fulfill our vision and promise to create 30 acres of residential housing, HOPE VILLAGE.
We focus on: Human Services, Community Benefit and Economic Development
Where we are: Monroe
We have a matching grant!
Brongo Supply $1 for $1
The Brongo Team is offering Homesteads for Hope a $1 for $1 Match for #ROCTHEDAY up to $1000
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