ImageOut is Rochester and Monroe County's premier LGBTQ+ arts and culture non-profit organization. This year, we hosted our 31st anniversary Fall Film Festival and 3rd annual Spring Film Festival, presenting LGBTQ+ documentaries, narrative features, and short film programs in local Rochester movie theaters, as well as virtually across New York State. In addition to our Film Festivals, ImageOut curates LGBTQ+ visual arts gallery shows under the ImageOutArt banner, publishes the LGBTQ+ literary journal ImageOutWrite, and celebrates and supports LGBTQ+ arts and cultural events year-round in our greater Rochester area community.
This year, ImageOut will use ROC the Day donations to fund The Michael Gamilla Fund at ImageOut. In conjunction with his Lifetime Achievement Award in Fall 2023, ImageOut created The Michael Gamilla Fund to provide underwriting support for our Film Festivals. The Fund, named after long-time ImageOut Programming Director Michael Gamilla, helps ImageOut to continue it's film festival legacy of over three decades by providing funding to cover increasing expenses, such as film licensing, venue rentals, special guest travel and lodging, filmmaker awards and more. We're certain that Michael would want to see LGBTQ+ film continue to thrive in our community, and this is a great way to ensure that! Your generous donation will help ImageOut continue to bring the best in LGBTQ+ cinema from around the world here to Rochester!
Thank you for supporting ImageOut and helping us to continue celebrating LGBTQ+ arts and culture in our community!
We focus on: Arts and Culture
Where we are: Monroe
We have a matching grant!
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