The Pencils & Paper Program at JFS Rochester ensures that students in our community have the tools they need to succeed in the classroom by providing free school supplies to teachers in schools that educate a high percentage of students living in poverty. Last year Pencils & Paper served 1,437 teachers from 76 schools, reaching an estimated 34,488 Pre-K to 8th grade students in Monroe County. By partnering with local schools, the program helps to reduce the financial burden on families who struggle to provide basic school supplies for their children. Teachers can shop twice a year to select from hundreds of supplies specific to their students' age, needs, and class projects. We know that access to quality education is key to breaking the cycle of poverty; a child having school supplies is a critical element to reaching that goal.
Jewish Family Services has served Rochester for over 100 years, helping people of all backgrounds improve their emotional, physical, and financial well-being. JFS Rochester helps build a stronger community through compassion, connection, and creative solutions by providing comprehensive support across the lifespan.
We focus on: Human Services, Education
Where we are: Monroe
We have a matching grant!
Double the impact...double the learning!
On ROC the Day, any donation made to Pencils & Paper will be matched dollar for dollar, up to $5,000, thanks to a generous gift from Carol and Paul Goldberg. ROC with us and your gift can go twice as far to supporting local teachers and students!
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