PO Box 15579

Rochester, NY 14615

Jazz Network

ROC THE DAY WITH JAZZ NETWORK! Jazz Network is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that serves as a support network for girls ages 11-18. Through positive mentorship, skill development, and networking opportunities we are committed to empowering the next generation of women leaders. Jazz Network adapts to meet the ever-changing needs and challenges of adolescent girls in Monroe County. Our network supports girls in various ways including assistance with personal/emergency needs to college and career readiness. Our goal is to create an unique learning environment where girls can develop the necessary skills, knowledge, and confidence to pursue leadership roles in their school, community, and the workforce. Our programs and services includes a school-based leadership development club, sports sampling camps/clinics, educational field trips, social/networking events with women leaders, a summer arts camp, volunteer opportunities, sports equity fund, college and career readiness, and much more! Join us in supporting the next generation of women leaders.

We focus on: Human Services, Education

Where we are: Monroe

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