597 East Avenue

Rochester, NY 14607

Loop Urban Food Pantry

About Loop Ministries: Loop Ministries is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation committed to helping people in and around Rochester's Inner Loop - physically, mentally, and spiritually. Our dedicated volunteers work together to help enrich people's lives through the provision of nutritious food, education about other local resources and services, emotional support, and socialization. In 2012, Loop's Board of Directors voted to assume administrative responsibility for the Food Pantry, now located at 597 East Avenue where Loop Ministries has our office, along with food storage and pantry distribution space. The pantry, through our collaboration with Foodlink, served almost 3,800 people and 1,270 households during 2022. Heritage Christian Services works with us to stock pantry shelves, fill the bags of groceries, and distribute food. Our goal is to provide nutritious food to all who come to the pantry in a way that meets their need for personal dignity and support, in an understanding and compassionate environment. Our hours of operation are Tuesday & Thursday, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at 597 East Avenue (across the street from the Rochester Museum and Science Center). The elderly, handicapped, and economically challenged, as well as anyone needing a kind word of encouragement, are always welcome. If you have questions about Loop Ministries, would like to volunteer your time, or want to make a donation, please visit our website: www.loopministries.org or email: director@loopministries.org. Thank You!

We focus on: Human Services, Education

Where we are: Monroe

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