Make-A-Wish grants the wishes of children with critical illnesses. Many of these children spend their time in hospitals for tests and treatments, often missing the simple joy of just being a kid. Make-A-Wish comes into their lives at a point that can often be dark and lonely, and lets them hope and dream again.
A wish replaces fear with hope, and health professionals who treat wish kids, including nurses and doctors, overwhelmingly believe that the wish experience can improve a wish kids’ physical health because wish kids are more willing to comply with difficult, but vital, treatment regimens. We have the privilege of granting over 70 wishes per year throughout the 9 counties of the Greater Rochester region. Wishes are truly only limited by the imaginations and passions of our kids, but most wishes fall into one of four categories: I wish to GO, I wish to MEET, I wish to HAVE, and I wish to BE. And because these kids continue to amaze and inspire us, we'll share this: we have enough kids that use their wish to give back in some way, that a new category has been created: I wish to GIVE.
We have found that the wish experience is a powerful force, not restricted by time and not limited to the child who wishes it into reality. The contagious joy that accompanies a wish reaches the family, extended family, medical team, and friends. We call it the ripple effect of a wish. Wishes bring families together at a time that they need it most. And while the medical professionals tend to the child's illness, Make-A-Wish helps to heal the child's spirit.
In the Rochester region, the average cost of a wish is $10,000. Do you wish to GIVE, to help Make-A-Wish grant more local wishes? ROC the Day with us, and help us reach our goal of raising $1,500 to give 10 kids wish enhancements!
We focus on: Human Services
Where we are: Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Orleans, Seneca, Wayne, Wyoming, Yates
We have a matching grant!
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