The first MOAS screening of 16 films by local filmmakers took place at the Rochester Public Library. In 1960,the screening was held at the Dryden Theatre, George Eastman Museum and became international, with an entry from Toronto, Canada. The festival was named Rochester International Film Festival.
In 1972, Best of the Fest was started. This consists of a collection of films selected by the audience and members. They are available to the public for viewing at no cost.
Films are selected for screening through a two step process. Throughout the year, members watch all the entries in their entirety. After completing review sheets and having a discussion, a vote is taken to determine if the entry should be kept for final judging. Those chosen are reviewed by a panel of judges. Films shown in the festival are awarded our distinctive Shoestring Trophy. Honorable Mention designations and Certificates of Merit are also awarded.
Unique among film festivals, we send a personal critique to each filmmaker who has submitted to Rochester International Film Festival (RIFF). Universities encourage their students to submit so they can receive this informative review of their films. Also, this personal touch has earned respect and acclaim from independent filmmakers for RIFF.
Throughout the sixty three years of our existence, no one has ever been paid.
MOAS is a dedicated group of volunteers.
We feel it is very important for the filmmakers of short films to have a large audience, that we do not charge admission. We also make a great effort to have all films in the festival represented . We provide housing in members home and a great experience in Rochester. As a result we have many filmmakers attending including from as many as ten foreign countries each year.
Funds help us pay for our venue as well as provide for more filmmakers to attend the festival.
We focus on: Arts and Culture
Where we are: Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Wayne, Wyoming
We have a matching grant!
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