JUST IN! HOTCHKISS PEPPERMINT MUSEUM has won a Landmark Society Stewardship Award for 2021!
Lyons Heritage Society owns and operates the H.G. HOTCHKISS PEPPERMINT MUSEUM, located on the Erie Canal in Lyons. The museum tells the story of the international peppermint oil industry and its influence on the economic growth of Lyons, Wayne County and western New York. Lyons was once known as the "Peppermint Capital of the World" and Hotchkiss 1 as the "Peppermint King". The Hotchkiss Peppermint Oil was the purest and best tasting in the world and received 17 international gold medals proving it. The museum is on the National and State Registries of Historic Sites, attracting tourists from around the globe. The museum is managed with volunteer members and receives funding from LHS members, from fundraising and from individual donations. The museum houses not only artifacts from the peppermint oil business, but also Lyons heritage.
We focus on: Education, Arts and Culture
Where we are: Wayne
We have a matching grant!
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