Pre-Trial Services Corporation (PTSC) has its roots in the Bail Reform movement of the 1960's. The agency was introduced to the criminal justice system by the Monroe County Bar Association in 1970 as a Release on Recognizance program. The growth of PTSC affirms the principles that defendants can receive the quickest and least restrictive form of release and that at times, their needs and society's can be met without involving the full judicial process. PTSC has since established itself as an integral component of the criminal justice system and actively contributes to the smooth administration of justice.
PTSC is noted nationally as a pioneer in programming for the pretrial population and is actively involved in both the New York State Association of Pretrial Services Agencies and the National Association of Pretrial Service Agencies. Locally, Pre-Trial Diversion continues to advocate for a broader spectrum of services to address the changing treatment needs of clients. Pre-Trial Release and the Supervision Programs continue to address the ever-pressing problem of jail overcrowding through innovative programming.
Pre-Trial Services specializes in providing high quality services to the people of Monroe County who have become involved with the criminal justice system. Our release programs focus on promoting accountability and responsibility on the part of our clients through case management, supervision, and access to community based treatment. Our diversionary programs offer an opportunity for defendants to enter treatment and build skills to avoid future arrests through understanding the behavior which precipitated the arrest.
We focus on: Human Services
Where we are: Monroe
We have a matching grant!
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