215 Tremont St.

Rochester, NY 14608

Rochester Association of Black Journalists

The Rochester Association of Black Journalists is a local Rochester chapter under the umbrella of the National Association of Black Journalists headquartered at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. ROCHESTER ASSOCIATION OF BLACK JOURNALISTS Mission The Rochester Association of Black Journalists strives to help ensure diversity in area media and accurate, balanced coverage of communities of color while serving as a resource for both established and aspiring communicators of African descent. Purpose RABJ brings together people of color who work in the media, or media-related jobs throughout the Rochester area. We provide professional support and development for journalist of color and awards scholarships to promising young black students who plan to pursue careers as journalists. Membership and Organization The Rochester Association of Black Journalists is a professional organization whose membership includes journalists from area print, TV, radio and online outlets. Also, public relations and communications professionals serve as members, along with educators and anyone else in a media or media-related profession. Student memberships are available for those who are training to begin journalism as a career. Meetings Join RABJ for our monthly meetings at WROC TV 8 CBS, 201 Humboldt St, Rochester, NY 14610 and 215 Tremont St Rochester, NY 14608

We focus on: Community Benefit and Economic Development, Education

Where we are: Monroe

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