At Rochester Global Connections (RGC), our mission is to weave intricate threads of friendship between local families and individuals and their international counterparts, including students and visitors. Our goal is to nurture genuine connections, foster a deeper understanding of diverse cultures, and elevate the overall quality of life. We achieve this by championing citizen diplomacy and cultivating a community of globally conscious individuals.
The importance of person-to-person connections cannot be overstated in today's world, significantly when shaping positive U.S. foreign relations. Every contribution made during ROC the Day will be directed towards our International Friendship Program, an initiative that annually welcomes and pairs more than 100 international college students with Rochester residents. These students are not only introduced to our city's unique attractions but also embraced with the warm hospitality that characterizes our community.
Furthermore, RGC hosts many cultural and social events annually, bringing together over 500 international students and local individuals and families. These gatherings offer international students the chance to immerse themselves in the vibrant tapestry of the Greater Rochester community, creating authentic cultural experiences that transcend boundaries.
Through these invaluable connections, local community members and international students play a vital role in dismantling stereotypes and bridging cultural divides. The ripple effect of these interactions extends far beyond our immediate surroundings, contributing to a broader global perspective.
Your support means the world to us, as it impacts our local community and has a far-reaching influence on the global stage. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your generosity in fostering meaningful connections and promoting a more interconnected world. Together, we ROC the Day!
We focus on: Arts and Culture, Community Benefit and Economic Development
Where we are: Monroe
We have a matching grant!
Nocon & Associates and Anonymous Donors
Thanks to the generous support of Nocon & Associates and anonymous donors, for every $1 you donate, it will be matched up to $2,000! Help double the impact so we can raise up to $4,000 in 24 hours!
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