Youth for Christ has offered programs to Rochester youth since 1945. Today we focus on youth in Rochester's urban areas where high poverty, violence and despair are most prevalent.
With an unwavering commitment to youth, YFC strives to both demonstrate and communicate the message of hope, grace and love in a variety of different cultural settings, always pursuing teens in personal relationships.
Located in the Southwest Quadrant, 1 Favor Street Youth Center provides easy access for youth and their families to activities and services provided through vibrant P31Girlz, Friday Nite Lights, Parent Life, All-Star Sports programs, and The Fatherhood Initiative.
The 6-month P31Girlz program provides middle school girls a space where they can come together and learn how much Jesus loves them. Exposing the girls to the wealth of knowledge in Proverbs 31, as well as spending time and being coached by women who are seasoned in the Christian faith, is producing young women who will make positive contributions to our community.
Under the leadership of professionals in the field, Friday Nite Lights gives youth ages 11-19 the opportunity to explore creative outlets, e.g. animation, still life and portrait drawing, drama, dance and music in a safe Christ-centered environment. All for God's glory and 'Drawing Closer to Jesus Christ.'
In Parent Life, our goal is to empower pregnant and parenting moms to become responsible, move toward a sustainable plan for independence and discover the plans that God has for them.
The Fatherhood Initiative is RYFC's response to the city's urgent problem of fatherlessness. In collaboration with other area Christian ministries and churches, we seek to impact the 75% fatherless homes in the city by “building an army of healthy male role models… to pour into the lives of our youth.”
All-Star Sports encourage healthy relationships and attitudes, personal growth and responsibility as youth learn godly life principles, in addition to sports skills.
In all programs, youth meet with nurturing adult mentors, coaches, staff and community volunteers, who teach life skills and principles, promote character development, and encourage their desire for a living faith in Jesus Christ.
Our highest goal is to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to God, passion for sharing the love of Christ and commitment to social involvement.
We focus on: Human Services, Health
Where we are: Monroe
We have a matching grant!
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