Saint Joseph's House of Hospitality provides food, clothing, shelter and spiritually-centered care to its guests.
We serve a hot meal every day to all who come in our door. We give out clothing that has been donated to us. Every day we offer a place to do laundry, take a shower, sit inside and relax.
From October to April, we operate an emergency overnight shelter for men who have no other place to go. We also run a foot clinic during the winter months.
In addition to our primary mission, we run a small bakery to help train a few of our guests for future work experience. We also provide transitional housing for a few guests who are in recovery and have been clean for for a year, so they can get a new start. We support several other social programs for the benefit of our guests
We share a firm belief in the God-given dignity of every human person; and we are committed to nonviolence, voluntary poverty, and the Works of Mercy as a way of life. Saint Joseph's was founded in 1935 and has been serving the poor and under privileged in its current location for 70 years.
We focus on: Human Services
Where we are: Monroe
We have a matching grant!
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