For 30 years, St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center has provided primary medical care, mental health counseling, advocacy, and supportive services to the uninsured and underinsured in our community. We opened our doors on December 8th, 1993, and since then, we have served over 35,000 patients, clients, and neighbors in our region with over 226,000 appointments.
Medical services include physical examinations, specialist consultations, vision and hearing screenings, nutritional education, diabetes education, smoking cessation, gynecological care, chiropractic, physical therapy, and therapeutic massage. We also offer mental health counseling, individual, family, and group counseling, and psychiatry.
The Center's Health Care Access department helps provide holistic care by learning about specific patient needs that can be barriers to leading a healthy life. We're able to assist patients with breaking down barriers and overcoming social determinants of health with things like grocery gift cards, bus passes, Uber gift cards to help get them to and from appointments, emergency assistance, and referrals to partners in the social services field to ensure that their basic needs are met.
This is the true value of St. Joseph's Neighborhood Center - person-centered, compassionate care that aims to help people live better lives.
Anyone is welcome in our Center. For more information or to make an appointment for care, call 585-325-5260.
We focus on: Health, Human Services
Where we are: Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Orleans, Seneca, Wayne, Wyoming, Yates
We have a matching grant!
Your Dollars are Doubled
Thanks to a generous group of anonymous donors, ROC the Day gifts to St. Joseph's Neighborhood Center, up to $10,000 will be doubled! Your $20 donation will become $40, your $75 becomes $150, your $500 gift becomes $1,000! Please donate generously to the Neighborhood Center to help us reach $10,000 and take full advantage of this challenge gift. Your gifts will be matched and will raise $20,000 to strengthen the Neighborhood Center and community we serve.
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