In one year, Starbridge touches the lives of more than 11,500 children and adults who have disabilities and their families. Starbridge is here for individuals and families looking for the hope and the how. Will you please be here for us today?
Your donation – of any size – truly makes a difference. You can make sure that we are here for the next person or family who needs us.
We empower parents with the ASK - attitude, skills and knowledge - to manage their child’s education now and for the rest of their child’s school years leading to graduation, transition to young adulthood, and improved employment opportunities. With our long history in advocacy, Starbridge is uniquely poised to deliver programming to meet the needs of students and families, and build student-family-school partnerships to improve educational outcomes.
We help at-risk youth with barriers to employment to reconnect with education or enroll in training programs to prepare for employment. Totieana knew she needed help obtaining a job built around her needs, but she didn’t know how to start or where to go for resources. “It wasn’t until I found Starbridge that I knew there was HOPE,” states Totieana. She was quickly connected to a Workforce Navigator who continuously advocated for her, helped her build her resumé, and connected her to a healthcare internship. Totieana started to flourish in her role and knew something was still missing.
She never lost touch with her mentor. As a position for Youth Workforce Navigator within Starbridge came up, Totieana was first on her mentor’s mind to fill the role. “To come back and serve others like me was the biggest compliment to me and my greatest accomplishment.” Today, Totieana helps youth with disabilities, ages 17-24, to build their resumés, provide interview coaching, and links to resources such as clothing and driving lessons. “The best part of my job is making the connections and establishing a bond with the youth. We are problem solvers here at Starbridge and passionate to see the people we serve succeed!”
We partner with people to help them gain the supports they need for fulfilling, healthy living. Avery and her family use Starbridge’s Fiscal Intermediary Services so that they have greater choice and freedom in choosing the supports and staff Avery Needs. Avery’s mom, Samantha, says, “Avery was diagnosed with autism a month before she turned 2 years old. Special doesn’t even begin to describe her. She loves music and loves to make people laugh. She is currently in school 5 days a week and thriving! She loves gymnastics, horseback riding, and swimming - all made possible with the help of our FI team at Starbridge. Avery continues to amaze us every day."
Together we can change communities to include everyone.
Please give and help Starbridge ROC today!
We focus on: Human Services, Education
Where we are: Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Orleans, Seneca, Wayne, Wyoming, Yates
We have a matching grant!
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