Succor Immigration Services Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing elite immigration services to low-income individuals to guide, support, and give hope to families. Succor Immigration Services Inc. strives to empower new immigrants to gain an understanding of the process, but also to educate them so they are confident and knowledgeable to make a successful transition into their new life.
Our philosophy is that you must meet the client where they are at and guide them through the immigration process. Next, you must provide background and information about the transition into their new life in the United States so they can organize and bring all the energy, culture, and passion into their new communities. In addition, Succor Immigration Services Inc. advocates on the behalf of all immigrants for all legal, social, and economic reform related to immigration and to improve the process and the transition into their lives in the United States.
Our mission is to guide, support, and give hope to families in need of immigration services who cannot afford a private attorney or immigration practitioner due to their income situation.
We have a dedicated immigration attorney and staff with years of immigration experience. The vast majority of our work is dedicated to immigrant visas and focus on family unification. We provide all the non-immigrant visas services as well as humanitarian and waiver requests. We also help family in difficult distress situation such as family death, disappearance after illegal entry to the US, and child/parent separations.
We focus on: Human Services
Where we are: Monroe
We have a matching grant!
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