TRU-Impact strives to make everyday life better than the day before. Our tutoring and mentoring program will provide a healthy lifestyle, positive and honest feedback, motivation, and enrichment for our students.
TRU-Impact strives to be a pillar of youth advocacy, and the promoter of student success. We are the ultimate student support system along the pathway to graduation.
Core Values
Integrity, Self-Awareness, Academic Excellence, Inclusion, Discipline (“I SAID”)
What is “TRU Impact”?
TRU-Impact is a 501(c)) 3 status organization. We focus on a holistic approach to youth development. Without our youth, we have no legacy to serve as a testament to our existence. Our Nation's progress will be dependent on the core values of our youth. In alignment with parents/guardians and educators, TI’s impact coaches serve to enhance youth development in the areas of self-discovery, social responsibility, and future goal setting. There is a vast difference between training and education. Training involves conditioning people to respond instinctively to stimuli, whereas education involves introducing new information that inspires thought, reflection and decision making. Our program model involves the Evidenced Based Program "Too Good for Drugs/Violence" for our after school programming, virtual mentoring, online and in person tutoring, community involvement, parental workshops, student led projects and field trips. We also have a Youth-led Coalition called Youth A.R.M.S (Youth Against Reckless Misuse of Substances). Our Youth A.R.M.S group focuses on Narcotics Awareness and Substance Use. TRU-Impact participants remain actively engaged in programming at a time when our nation and school districts struggle to implement effective plans that meet the needs of all students and conform to our “new normal”. The students of TRU Impact mirror the diverse society in which we live. As a result of being a part of this culturally diverse village, the students of TI will form their own future villages, diverse in nature, without fear.
TRU-Impact primarily serves the at risk youth within the city of Rochester, NY starting with a focus on 5th grade students thru 12th grade.
In conjunction with our holistic approach to education, we have identified three focus areas to address the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. TRU-Impact’s “TLC” healthy lifestyle initiative will introduce and provide access to holistic healthy living where there has been a void for this sector of the population. Our focus areas are healthy eating (Treat), mental health (Loving Life), and physical fitness (Cardio Cardio Cardio!).
We focus on: Community Benefit and Economic Development, Education
Where we are: Monroe
We have a matching grant!
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