Vertus serves young men who are at risk of not completing high school, including re-engagement of Over-aged/Under-credited (“OA/UC”) students who have not succeeded in other high schools. The educational program provides an unprecedented level of academic, social, and emotional support specifically designed for young men who have not experienced success in other educational settings. The school is an innovative, year-round blended learning model in which each student has a plan that meets his needs and an unprecedented level of support. Vertus redefines the use of human capital. The school has established a new, full-time role called Preceptor. Each Preceptor is responsible for a Learning Team of 12-25 young men 24/7/365, accountable for their academic success and development into character leaders. Teachers lead Learning Labs that blend personalized online lessons with face-to-face instruction and support. Career program managers ensure that students have the opportunity to earn a career credential.
Vertus is unlike any other educational opportunity in Rochester, where most young men struggle in traditional schools. The year-round schedule, blended-learning model, career focus, and Preceptor support system provide a real alternative for parents and students. Vertus’ innovative, ungraded, mastery-based model is designed to serve the most severely at-risk young men, including Over-age / Under-credited students, in one of the state’s worst-performing school districts. Vertus is an innovative, all-boys “Brother’s Keeper” school designed to re-engage the young men who are most likely to be disengaged from school, drop out, be in gangs, or commit crimes. For many of these young men, Vertus is their only hope, as there are few options in Rochester for male high school students who are significantly underperforming, especially if they have significant discipline issues or have previously failed high school grades. To our knowledge, no other charter high school in Rochester welcomes transfer students who have not succeeded in other schools. Vertus actively seeks to rebut the accusation that charter schools serve the “best” or most engaged students and families – Vertus welcomes the young men who are the least engaged, most troubled, and farthest behind. Although Vertus specializes in and actively seeks out students who are far behind, the mastery model can also successfully serve the small minority of students who arrive on track or even ahead. Given its strong culture, safe environment, personalized online learning, and individualized academic program (using both online learning and Monroe Community College to offer a wide variety of advanced classes), Vertus can serve proficient or academically advanced students well. Indeed, given the few choices of good high schools in Rochester, engaged parents seek out Vertus for their young men.
We focus on: Education
Where we are: Monroe
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