1335 Jefferson Rd. #92373

Rochester, NY 14692

WNY Coalition of Farmworker Serving Agencies

The Western New York Coalition of Farmworker Serving Agencies (WNYCFSA) was established by a group of agencies that provide services to farmworkers in the WNY region in 2018. The goal of the WNYCFSA is to improve the lives of farmworkers through inter-agency collaboration, targeting financial, healthcare, legal and other barriers endemic within these vulnerable communities. In 2022, the WNYCFSA began a Labor Trafficking Grant to provide legal representation and support services to survivors of trafficking. In addition, established a hotline and text line for farmworkers and immigrants to reach out to the coalition with questions and assistance with challenges they are facing. The WNYCFSA is comprised of 45 member agencies and advocates for the fair and just treatment of immigrant and farmworkers, frequently educating non-member agencies on barriers to accessing services and inviting them to become members and expand their reach to these vulnerable communities. In addition, the coalition hosts events, like annual Christmas Fiestas, Backpack and School Supply Giveaways, an Annual Farmworker Health Fair, among others, to provided necessary education and resources to the community, but also create a safe space for joy and community-building. There is no fee for any client services.

We focus on: Human Services, Education

Where we are: Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Orleans, Wayne, Wyoming

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